The event was carried out on Thursday, August 31, 2023 in Universitas Syiah Kuala. The Erasmus+ Ind4.0 project has been running since 2019 and has been implemented at USK as part of the Master of Science in Electrical Engineering. The project has been awarded with a grant from the European Union (EU) Framework of ERASMUS+ KA2 Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education Programme. Recently, there are 5 active students who enrol this program. The MSc’s structure encompasses core courses to provide fundamental technological knowledge of Industry 4.0, which will serve as the foundation for orientation courses that will offer specialization in vertical and horizontal value-creation chains of four key industries, namely Manufacturing, Agriculture, Aquaculture and Pervasive Health. Throughout the project, there are important assets that support the implementation of this program. Especially, the devices that has been used by the students in order to conduct the research, project assignment, and so on. The assets are as follow: (1) 4 units of high-end notebook, (2) 3 units of 3D printer, (3) 1 unit of aerial drone, (4) 1 unit of aquatic drone, (5) 1 unit of LoRaWAN Gateway, (6) 1 unit of LoRa IoT Starter Kit, (7) 12 units of LoRa Shield, (8) 12 units of Raspberry Pi Pico, and (9) 12 unit of FPGA board.
The assets handover’s event was led by Prof. Dr. Ir. Samadi, M.Sc. who also act as project coordinator of this project. Besides, Prof. Dr. Hizir, Ir. Rahmad Dawood, S.Kom, M.Sc., Yudha Nurdin, ST., MT, Dr. M. Syukri Surbakti, S.Si., M.Si and Dr. Kahlil also attended the event as the part of project member. The rector of USK, Prof. Dr. Ir. Marwan, who represented the university wishes that this program can receive more students (either online or offline students), and always keep up to date to the recent technologies, especially in cyber-physical system, artificial intelligence and IoT fields. Furthermore, rector also expected the collaboration among the universities in this project (from Malaysia, Cambodia, Greece, and Italy) can be maintained, such as organizing annual conference related to IND 4.0 and other related fields.