NoNama PenulisJudulKeterangan
1E Erdiwansyah, M Mahidin, H Husin, N Nasaruddin, K Khairil, M Zaki, … Investigation of availability, demand, targets, and development of renewable energy in 2017–2050: a case study in IndonesiaInternational Journal of Coal Science & Technology 8 (4), 483-499, 2021
2Melinda, Elizar, Yunidar, Muhammad IrhamsyahAnalisis Penerapan Tapis Wiener pada Segmentasi Pola Fluktuasi SpektralJurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Komputer 9 (1), 22-30, 2021
3Nasaruddin, R Adriman, AfdhalEnergy-Efficient Multiple-Relay Cooperative Networks Using Hamming CodingInt. J. Electr. Electron. Eng. Telecommun 10 (1), 22-28, 2021
4Z Maizi, TY Arif,  Nasaruddin Optimasi Algoritma Rate Adaptation Control CARA untuk Meningkatkan Throughput pada Wireless Mesh NetworkJurnal Serambi Engineering 6 (1), 2021
5AA Amru, ID Sara, S SyahrizalManajemen Pemakaian Pulsa Listrik Pelanggan Meter PrabayarJurnal Komputer, Informasi Teknologi, dan Elektro 6 (1), 2021
6Muhammad Thalhah, Teuku Yuliar Arif,  Yuwaldi AwayKomparasi QOS Video Call dan Video Conference pada Google Hangouts dan Google Duo di Jaringan 3G dan 4G LTEJurnal Komputer, Informasi Teknologi, dan Elektro Vol 6, No 1 (2021)
7Muliadi, ID Sara, SuriadiThe Effect of Bypass Diode Installation on Partially Covered Solar Panel Output PowerIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1087 (1), 012077, 2021
8Oktiana M, Horiuchi T, Hirai K, Saddami K, Arnia F, Away Y, Munadi KCross-spectral iris recognition using phase-based matching and homomorphic filteringVolume 6, Issue 2, February 2020
9R Adriman, K Muchtar, N MaulinaPerformance Evaluation of Binary Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy through Deep Learning Techniques using Texture FeatureProcedia Computer Science 179, 88-94, 2021
10RS Oktari, A Nugroho, M Fahmi, A Suppasri, K Munadi, R AmraFifteen years of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami in Aceh-Indonesia: Mitigation, preparedness and challenges for a long-term disaster recovery processInternational Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 54, 102052, 2021
11S Rahman, M Ramli, F Arnia, R Muharar, A Sembiring Performance analysis of mAlexnet by training option and activation function tuning on parking imagesIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1087 (1), 012084, 2021
12S Riswandi, RS Lubis, M SyukriOperasi Ekonomis pada Sistem Pembangkit Thermal Sumatera Barat dengan Menggunakan Metode Iterasi LambdaJurnal Komputer, Informasi Teknologi, dan Elektro 6 (1), 2021
13Suriadi, WI Daru, SR Halid, M Syukri, M GapyThe optimization of hybrid power generator system (PV-Wind turbine) using Homer softwareIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1087 (1), 012080, 2021
14TM Iqbal, F Arnia, R MuhararThe Over-Height Vehicle Detection Using the Computer Vision MethodIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1087 (1), 012078, 2021
15Nurrizqa, Syahrial, R Munadi, YunidarPenerapan Metode Perancangan Virtual Reality: Tinjauan LiteraturInfoTekJar: Jurnal Nasional Informatika dan Teknologi Jaringan 5 (2), 2021
16Nurrisma Nurrisma, Rizal Munadi,  Syahrial, Ernita Dewi MeutiaPerancangan Augmented Reality dengan Metode Marker Card Detection dalam Pengenalan Karakter KoreaInformatika Mulawarman : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer Vol 16, No 1 (2021): Informatika Mulawarman : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer34-41
17AA Rabbany, R Munadi, S Syahrial, ED Meutia, B Devanda, A BahriAnalisis Pengaruh Co-Channel Interference Terhadap Kualitas Wi-Fi pada Frekuensi 2, 4 GhzJurnal Komputer, Informasi Teknologi, dan Elektro 6 (2), 2021
18E Satria, F Arnia, K MuchtarIdentification of Male and Female Nutmeg Seeds Based on the Shape and Texture Features of Leaf Images Using the Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ)Journal of Physics: Conference Series
19D Qadri, TY Arif, A Azmi Analisis Tingkat Kinerja Jaringan Wireless IEEE 802.11 n Menggunakan MikrotikJurnal Komputer, Informasi Teknologi, dan Elektro 6 (2), 2021
20Dhiaul Qadri, Teuku Yuliar Arif, Afdhal AzmiAnalisis Tingkat Kinerja Jaringan Wireless IEEE 802.11N Menggunakan MikrotikJurnal Komputer, Informasi Teknologi, dan Elektro Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
21E Berutu, R Muharar, N Nasaruddin Joint Relay Selection and Energy Harvesting to Improve Performance of Cooperative Communication SystemsIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1087 (1), 012081, 2021
22F Ferry, S Syahrial, H Walidainy, A AhmadiarSimulasi Antena Mikrostrip Rectangular Patch Array Empat Elemen Untuk Penerima FPV 5, 8 GHz Pada Wahana UAVJurnal Komputer, Informasi Teknologi, dan Elektro 6 (2), 2021
23H Mustaqin, TY Arif, R MunadiEvaluasi Parameter RAW Berdasarkan Multirate Pada IEEE 802.11 ah: Simulasi Kinerja Optimum Jaringan IoTJurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi) 5 (2), 342-349, 2021
24M Sayuti, R Adriman, NasaruddinAnalisis Performansi Protokol Routing Vehicular Network Menggunakan Algoritma Ant Colony JamakJUSTIN (Jurnal Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 9, No 2 (2021)282 – 288
25Mustaqin Haris, Yuliar Arif Teuku, Munadi Rizal, Meutia Ernita DewiEvaluasi Parameter RAW Berdasarkan Multirate Pada IEEE 802.11ah: Simulasi Kinerja Optimum Jaringan IoTJurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi) 5 (2), 342-349, 2021
26S Rahman, M Ramli, F Arnia, R Muharar, M Zen, M Ikhwan Convolutional Neural Networks Untuk Visi Komputer Jaringan Saraf Konvolusional untuk Visi Komputer (Arsitektur Baru, Transfer Learning, Fine Tuning, dan Pruning)Deepublish, 2021
27Teuku Murisal Asyadi, Ira Devi Sara, SuriadiMetode Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) dan Boost Converter Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) pada Modul SuryaJurnal Rekayasa Elektrika Vol 17, No 1 (2021)1-6
28Teuku Radhi Muhammad Fitrah, Yudha Nurdin, RoslidarRancang Bangun Pengembangan Pintu Otomatis Pendeteksi Masker dan Suhu Tubuh Menggunakan raspberry Pi 4Jurnal Komputer, Informasi Teknologi, dan Elektro Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
29TM Asyadi, ID Sara, SuriadiMetode Maksimum Power Point Tracking (Mppt) Dan Boost Converter Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) Pada Modul SuryaJurnal Rekayasa Elektrika 17 (1), 2021
30F Arnia, S Aisyah, K Saddami, K Munadi The Performances of Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks in Clothing Sketch ClassificationECTI-CON 2021 – 2021 18th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer,
31Heri Setiawan, Itsna Oktaviyanti, Ilham Syahrul Jiwandono, NasaruddinIdentifikasi Kesulitan Fungsional Siswa SDN Peresak Bebuak Kecamatan Kopang Kabupaten Lombok TengahJurnal Ilmiah Profesi Pendidikan Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): May1-6
32Rizqan Maulana, Suriadi,  Ramdhan Halid SiregarAnalisa Sistem Keandalan Jaringan Distribusi Menggunakan Metode Selection TechniqueJurnal Komputer, Informasi Teknologi, dan Elektro Vol 6, No 3 (2021)
33I Raziah, Yunida, Y Away, R Muharar, NasaruddinAdaptive relay selection based on channel gain and link distance for cooperative out-band device-to-device networksHeliyon 7 (7), e07430, 2021
34T. M. Rizki Aldiza, Alfatirta Mufti, RoslidarSistem Pengontrolan Suhu dan Kelemabapan pada Alat Pengering Buah Pinang Menggunakan Pengendali Logika FuzzyJurnal Komputer, Informasi Teknologi, dan Elektro Vol 6, No 3 (2021)
35Arnia F, Oktiana  M, Saddami K, Munadi K, Roslidar R, Pradhan BHomomorphic Filtering and Phase-Based Matching for Cross-Spectral Cross-Distance Face RecognitionSENSORS
36F Arnia, K Saddami, K Munadi DCNet: Noise-Robust Convolutional Neural Networks for Degradation Classification on Ancient DocumentsJournal of Imaging 7 (7), 114, 2021
37Maya Fitria, Cosmin Adrian Morariu, Josef Pauli, Ramzi AdrimanImplementing a Non-Local Means Method to CTA Data of Aortic DissectionJurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Komputer Volume 9, Issue 3, Year 2021 (July 2021)174-179
38Nasaruddin N., ErdiwansyahCombustion Efficiency in a Fluidized-Bed Combustor With a Modified Perforated Plate for Air Distribution Processes  Volume 9  Issue 9 
39Rudi Kurniawan, Zahrul Fuadi, Ramzi AdrimanAccumulator-free Hough Transform for Sequence Collinear PointsAceh International Journal of Science and Technology Vol 10, No 2 (2021): August 202174-83
40Syahrial,DA Riefi, TY ArifEvaluasi Pengaruh Parameter TIM Berdasarkan Multirate Terhadap Konsumsi Energi Jaringan IEEE 802.11 ahJurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi) 5 (4), 713-720, 2021
41Teuku Yuliar Arif, Daifi Afrila Riefi, SyahrialEvaluasi Pengaruh Parameter TIM Berdasarkan Multirate Terhadap Konsumsi Energi Jaringan IEEE 802.11ahJurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 5 No 4 (2021): Agustus 2021713 – 720
42A Sembiring, Y Away, F Arnia, R Muharar Development of Concise Convolutional Neural Network for Tomato Plant Disease Classification Based on Leaf ImagesJournal of Physics: Conference Series 1845 (1), 012009, 2021
43Away Y, Syahrizal, Hubbul Walidainy, Muhammad Syamsu Rizal, Andri NovandriArtificial Neural Network Technique to Predict the Sun Position in Cloudy State with Tetrahedron Based Sensor2021 International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology, and Electrical Engineering
44Khairul Munadi, Oktari R.S.Knowledge creation for community resilience (Kccr): A conceptual modelJournal of Disaster Research
45Nasaruddin, MR Azmi, Melinda, R AdrimanRelay Selection-Based Energy Efficiency of Hybrid Device-to-Device-Enabled 5G NetworksJ. Eng. Sci. Technol 16 (2), 1506-1524, 2021
46Nurhanif, Y Away, MS SurbaktiPerformance Analysis of Database Synchronization on DBMS MySQL and Oracle by Using Event-Driven and Time-Driven Data for Monitoring WeatherJournal of Aceh Physics Society 10 (4), 107-112, 2021
47RS Oktari, K Munadi, R Idroes, H Sofyan, B Latuamury Knowledge creation elements for enhancing community resilience towards disaster: A Delphi studyJàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies 13 (1), 2021
48Enriko I Ketut Agung, Melinda Melinda, Sulyani Agnesia Candra, Astawa I Gusti BagusBreast Cancer Recurrence Prediction System Using K-Nearest Neighbor, Naïve Bayes, and Support Vector Machine AlgorithmJURNAL INFOTEL Vol 13 No 4 (2021): November 2021
49H Hasan, A Lubis, TY Arif Application and Analysis of Incremental Conductance Algorithm for A Photovoltaic System with Variable DC Output Voltage2021 International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology, and Electrical Engineering
50H Leo, K Saddami, R Roslidar, M Oktiana, F Arnia, K Munadi A Study of Parameters Required for a Thermogram Dataset in Obesity Detection: A Systematic Review2021 International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology …, 2021
51H Walidainy, R Adriman, Y Away, N NasaruddinChannel Modeling for 6G Communications: A Survey2021 International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology …, 2021
52I Raziah, Yunida, R Muharar, Y Away, NasaruddinImplementation of LEACH Protocol for Cluster Head Selection in D2D Cooperative Communication Systems2021 International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology, and Electrical Engineering
53ID Sara, N binti RosminAnalysing Effects of Uncertainties in Spectral Response Measurement of a Solar Photovoltaic Device using a Polychromatic Filter Method2021 International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology …, 2021
54K Muchtar, K Saddami, A Bintang, TW Cenggoro, B Pardamean, CY Lin,Lightweight Pedestrian Detection through Guided Filtering and Deep Learning2021 IEEE 10th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), 629-630, 2021
55M Fitria, R Adriman, MK FandiAn IoT-Based System for Real-Time Monitoring of Power Consumption on Sales Booth2021 International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology …, 2021
56M Maisarah, N Ismail, K Munadi The Existence of Radio Republik Indonesia Banda Aceh in Educating Disaster Risk Reduction EffortsJurnal The Messenger 13 (2), 147-161, 2021
57Melinda, A Mufti, Y Nurdin, Yunidar, Z Naufal,  SyahrialWavelet Transformation Approach to Identify Several Fluctuation Patterns by Applying The Amplitude Representative Value Scheme2021 International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology …, 2021
58MK Muchamad, F Arnia, M Syukri, K Munadi, RoslidarA Conceptual Framework of Deploying a Trained CNN Model for Mobile Breast Self-Screening2021 18th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics …, 2021
59N Amna, ID Sara, T TarmiziPerforma Konfigurasi Modul Surya Seri dan Series Paralel pada Kondis Mismatch Karakteristik Arus-Tegangan (IV) Terhadap Daya OutputJurnal Rekayasa Elektrika 17 (4), 2021
60Roslidar, K Saddami, M Irhamsyah, F Arnia, M Syukri, K MunadiEffective Loss Function for Unbalanced Breast Thermal Image Segmentation2021 International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology, and Electrical Engineering
61Syukriyadin, ID Sara, Nasaruddin, Y Away Actuator Response Model of 3DOF Solar Tracking Based on Tetrahedron Sensor2021 International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology, and Electrical Engineering
62Rahmat Akbar, Ira Devi Sara,  SuriadiAnalysis of UPFC Installation Effect on Power Flow in the 150 kV Aceh Transmission System2021 International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology, and Electrical Engineering
63Tarmizi, Syahrial, FathurrahmanDesign of PV System with DC distribution for Rural Electricity2021 International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology, and Electrical Engineering
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