Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL) of the MEE Program

Attitudes and Values CPL 1 Practicing the professional code of ethics.
CPL 2 Able to learn and work independently or together as a team – both as a member and leader.
Knowledge about Electrical Engineering CPL 3 Able to master mathematical concepts in their respective specializations.
CPL 4 Able to apply the knowledge of mathematics and science to the electrical engineering field.
CPL 5 Have insight into management and entrepreneurship in their respective specializations.
General Skills CPL 6 Able to analyze and provide the most effective solutions to current problems through an inter or multidisciplinary approach.
CPL 7 Able to manage research based on their respective specializations.
CPL 8 Able to create, communicate and disseminate quality scientific work.
Special Skills CPL 9 Able to contribute and provide some development in the areas of information technology, telecommunications engineering, energy management and electric power quality, renewable energy electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, industrial automation engineering, and industry 4.0.
CPL 10 Able to build sustainable learning that addresses relevant issues.
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