Mahasiswa IND 4.0 berprestasi di Ajang Kompetisi Indonesia AI Innovation Challenge 2023

Tim mahasiswa dan peneliti dari Jurusan Teknik Elektro dan Komputer, Universitas Syiah Kuala, menorehkan prestasi pada ajang kompetisi tingkat nasional, AI Innovation Challenge yang diselenggarakan oleh Terretech dan Pusat Industri Digital Indonesia (PIDI 4.0).  Kompetisi yang bertujuan untuk mendorong dan mendukung pengembangan solusi inovatif menggunakan kecerdasan buatan atau artificial intelligence (AI) untuk mengatasi tantangan nyata dalam masyarakat ini memberikan kesempatan bagi para inovator, pengembang, dan pemikir kreatif untuk menjelajahi potensi tak terbatas AI dalam memecahkan masalah yang kompleks dan memberikan dampak positif bagi masyarakat.

Dalam kompetisi tersebut, peserta diberi kesempatan untuk mempresentasikan ide dan prototipe solusi mereka kepada para juri yang terdiri dari pakar AI dan inovator industri terkemuka. Ratusan tim dari kalangan industri, akademisi, dan pengusaha mendaftar pada kegiatan tersebut yang kemudian diseleksi lagi menjadi 63 tim dan terakhir dikurasi kembali menjadi 12 tim terpilih yang mengikuti AI incubation camp selama 3 minggu secara online. Pada incubation camp ini peserta diberikan ilmu mengenai customer validation, market validation, bussiness model, revenue stream, dan funding. Akhir dari incubation camp ini diadakan hot-seat berupa proses pitching di depan dewan juri dan mentor untuk dipilih 9 tim yang melaju ke grand final.

Tim AI USK ini mengusung inovasi dengan nama LUDESC dan terpilih masuk ke grand final yang diadakan di JIExpo Kemayoran Jakarta pada tanggal 24 agustus 2023. Juri pada grand final ini terdiri dari para praktisi AI dari KORIKA,  Perwakilan Kementerian pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif dan Kementerian perindustrian dan perdagangan Republik Indonesia, dan juga dari investor terkemuka di Indonesia. Tim Ludesc USK dibawah arahan Dr. Roslidar (Dosen Teknik Elektro dan Komputer-USK) dan bimbingan dari tenaga medis Dr. dr. Mulkan Azhary, M.Sc. (Direktur Rumah Sakit Pendidikan-USK), mendapatkan juara 3 (2nd runner up) dan mendapatkan hadiah sebesar 25 juta rupiah beserta AWS kredit sebesar 5000 USD.

Ketua Tim Ludesc merupakan mahasiswa yang merupakan mahasiswa bidang peminatan IND 4.0 pada prodi  S2 Teknik Elektro (MTE), Muhammad Jurej Alhamdi sebagai CEO Ludesc, dengan anggota Cut Nanda Nurbadriani sebagai CMO Ludesc yang merupakan mahasiwa bidang peminatan Teknik Biomedik MTE, dan Al Yafi sebagai CTO Ludesc yang merupakan mahasiswa Prodi S1 Teknik Komputer. Ludesc atau Lung Disease Screening merupakan inovasi yang memanfaatkan teknologi AI untuk telemedicine yang memungkinkan pasien secara mandiri memeriksa kelainan paru dengan mendeteksi suara yang terdengar melalui stateskop.


One of the primary outcomes of the Erasmus+ Ind4.0 Masters Programme is that partner universities will be able to create and accelerate the Ind4.0 curriculum in their degree programs. Both the draft for the final meeting report and a review of the challenges were conducted during this meeting. The Ind4.0 USK team held a hybrid meeting in the office of the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and via Zoom to discuss many concerns concerning the project’s progress. This meeting was attended by members of the USK team who are involved in the Erasmus+ Ind4.0 project. The meeting was opened by Prof. Dr. Ir Samadi, an M.Sc. who act as both the project coordinator and meeting moderator. Prof. Dr. Hizir Sofyan, the Director of Postgraduate School, was also present for this meeting, as was Ir. Rahmad Dawood, S.Kom, M.Sc., IPM., ASEAN Eng., APEC Er.; Dr. rer. hort. Indera Sakti Nasution, S.TP., M.Sc.; Dr. M. Syukri Surbakti, S.Si., M.Si; and Ir. Yudha Nurdin, S.T., M.T., who took minutes for the meeting. This meeting was carried out on Tuesday, August 15, 2023. The Erasmus+ Ind4.0 project has been running since 2019 and will be implemented at USK as part of the Master of Science in Electrical Engineering. Following feedback from participants during the discussion session, the team amended the draft report and implemented future initiatives. The preparation for the submission of the Erasmus+ final project report and participation in the ICoBTA-IR4 conference ( were two of the meeting’s major topics. The other issue was the asset handover from the project to USK, which will be followed by a short ceremony.

The budget summary for the project was also one of the key topics covered in this virtual meeting. This meeting took place for several hours, and all the team members agreed to revise some points during the discussion before preparing for the ICoBTA-IR4 conference.

Ind4.0 is consortium partners project supported by European Union. This project involves several universities and institutions from Asia and Europe. From Malaysia, it consists of Universiti Teknologi Mara, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and Universiti Kuala Lumpur. Then, from Cambodia, it consists of the University of Heng Samrin Thbongkhmum, University of Battambang and Mean Chey University. Furthermore, those from Europe who were involved in this activity were Hellenic Open University (Greece), Guglielmo Marconi University and Sapienza University (Italy) as well as several partners from Germany (BK-Con), Skybridge Partner and AMC (Greece). The coordinator of the Ind4.0 consortium is Mara Technology University (UTM) Malaysia

USK Participated in a Steering Committee Meeting on the Development of the Ind4.0 Masters Curriculum with 15 Asian and European Consortium Partners

Event:Steering Committee Meeting Organised in the Framework of European Union Erasmus+ “Master Degree in Industry 4.0/Ind4.0 610455-EPP-1-2019-1-MY-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP”
Time:27-28 April 2023
Venur:Angkor Paradise Hotel, Siem Reap, Kamboja

Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK) participated in a steering committee meeting which is part of the Erasmus+ program concerning on the Development of the Ind4.0 Master’s Program Curriculum. The meeting was held from 27-28 April 2023 in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

The meeting involved 15 consortium partners from Asian and European universities and institutions. Three universities from Cambodia acted as the hosts, namely the University of Heng Samrin Thbongkhmum, University of Battambang, and Mean Chey University. The participating partners from Malaysia were Universiti Teknologi Mara, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, and Universiti Kuala Lumpur.

Some partners from European countries were also involved, such as Hellenic Open University (Greece), Guglielmo Marconi University and Sapienza University (Italy), as well as from Germany (BK-Con), Skybridge Partner and AMC (Greece). Meanwhile, Indonesia was represented by two universities, namely Universitas Syiah Kuala with Prof. Dr. Ir. Samadi, M.Sc as the coordinator, and the University of North Sumatra with Dr. Emerson Pascawira Sinulingga, S.T., M.T as the coordinator.

In this event, an evaluation and assessment were carried out related to the Curriculum of Ind4.0 Masters that had been implemented by the consortium members. The evaluation and assessment are expected to provide constructive feedback to Erasmus regarding the progress of the running program. To date, USK has participated in nine Erasmus+ activities, namely: EXPERTS Program, INDOPED, SPIRE, S-FARM, DS/AI, Ind4.0, OPTBANK, UN4DRR, SPIRIT and CABNEI.

Student’s Research on Obesity recognition is presented at IEEE Conference

On 20-23 February 2023, one of Master of Electrical Engineering (MTE) students, Hendrik Leo, attended the 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC 2023) in Bali, Indonesia. This Conference was organized by the Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (KICS) and technically co-sponsored by IEEE Communications Society (ComsoC) and IEICE-CS). Hendrik presented his research in an oral session: Medical Diagnosis and E-Health session titled: “A Mobile Application for Obesity Early Diagnosis Using CNN-Based Thermogram Classification”. In his presentation, Hendrik introduced a mobile application that can predict the individual body conditions between obesity and normal by integrating thermal imaging and deep learning Convolutional Neural Network methods.

Trans Campus in USK & UIN - Ar Raniry

Starting from January 18, 2023, new campus buses called “TransCampus” are available for the students, lecturers, and staff of USK and UIN-Ar Raniry. The buses operate on multiple routes across these two campuses.

Regular Discussions with Nationally-Reputable Speakers in the Era of Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Universitas Syiah Kuala in collaboration with the Telematics Research Center and Master’s Program of IND 4.0 created a regular discussion program called InspireUSThis program aims to motivate students to improve their skills after graduation. Experts in the field of industry as well as academia with a national reputation were invited as the speakers of this program. The first discussion was held in December 2022, and it featured Risman Adnan – the Chief Technology of Samsung R&D Indonesia (SRIN) – as the speaker. Risman, who has years of experience in the world of industry, encouraged students to deepen their understanding of concepts as these will help them operate any software. To develop a better understanding of concepts, Risman advised the students to allocate their time to enhance their technical skills and knowledge of program software as well as read books. In this discussion, Dr. Kahlil, the coordinator of the USK study program, served as the moderator. This event can be watched on the PSTEKKOM-USK YouTube channel:

"Computer Multi-challenge Day": A Joint Program of Computer Engineering, Telematics Research Center, Industries, and the Erasmus+ IND4.0 Program

The Computer Engineering Study Program under the Faculty of Engineering and Telematics Research Center of Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK) will hold an annual event called “Computer Multi-challenge Day” (CMD). The first event will be held virtually on November 27-28, 2021, with the theme: "AI swifts the Industry: An Era of IoT and Cloud Technologies".

This is one of the programs run by the USK’s Computer Engineering Student Association (HIMATEKKOM). It will take two days and consist of several activities, such as National Seminar, Programming Workshop, and competitions (the Syiah Kuala Hackathon, Fast Digital Logic Contest, and E-Sport).

In this year, the Computer Multi-challenge Day will introduce several programs; one of which is the IND 4.0 master curriculum development program supported by the European Union's Erasmus+ program ( Several nationally-reputable speakers will take part in this event, such as H. Bambang Soesatyo, S.E., M.B.A (Chairman of the MPR-RI), Dr. Jerry Sambuaga (Deputy Minister of Trade of Indonesia), Police Brigadier General Edi Setio Budi Santoso (Karotekinfo ICT Division of the Police) and Iman Rahmansyah Tayibnapis, M.Eng. (Research Group Lead at PT. Nodeflux Teknologi Indonesia). Iman Rahmansyah from the artificial intelligence industry is a graduate of the Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea. He will talk about the role of Cloud Computing and IoT (Internet of Things) related to Smart Cities as well as the challenges in their implementation. This topic is chosen because Smart Cities have become one of Indonesia's SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

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