One of the primary outcomes of the Erasmus+ Ind4.0 Masters Programme is that partner universities will be able to create and accelerate the Ind4.0 curriculum in their degree programs. Both the draft for the final meeting report and a review of the challenges were conducted during this meeting. The Ind4.0 USK team held a hybrid meeting in the office of the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and via Zoom to discuss many concerns concerning the project’s progress. This meeting was attended by members of the USK team who are involved in the Erasmus+ Ind4.0 project. The meeting was opened by Prof. Dr. Ir Samadi, an M.Sc. who act as both the project coordinator and meeting moderator. Prof. Dr. Hizir Sofyan, the Director of Postgraduate School, was also present for this meeting, as was Ir. Rahmad Dawood, S.Kom, M.Sc., IPM., ASEAN Eng., APEC Er.; Dr. rer. hort. Indera Sakti Nasution, S.TP., M.Sc.; Dr. M. Syukri Surbakti, S.Si., M.Si; and Ir. Yudha Nurdin, S.T., M.T., who took minutes for the meeting. This meeting was carried out on Tuesday, August 15, 2023. The Erasmus+ Ind4.0 project has been running since 2019 and will be implemented at USK as part of the Master of Science in Electrical Engineering. Following feedback from participants during the discussion session, the team amended the draft report and implemented future initiatives. The preparation for the submission of the Erasmus+ final project report and participation in the ICoBTA-IR4 conference (https://www.icobta.net) were two of the meeting’s major topics. The other issue was the asset handover from the project to USK, which will be followed by a short ceremony.

The budget summary for the project was also one of the key topics covered in this virtual meeting. This meeting took place for several hours, and all the team members agreed to revise some points during the discussion before preparing for the ICoBTA-IR4 conference.

Ind4.0 is consortium partners project supported by European Union. This project involves several universities and institutions from Asia and Europe. From Malaysia, it consists of Universiti Teknologi Mara, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and Universiti Kuala Lumpur. Then, from Cambodia, it consists of the University of Heng Samrin Thbongkhmum, University of Battambang and Mean Chey University. Furthermore, those from Europe who were involved in this activity were Hellenic Open University (Greece), Guglielmo Marconi University and Sapienza University (Italy) as well as several partners from Germany (BK-Con), Skybridge Partner and AMC (Greece). The coordinator of the Ind4.0 consortium is Mara Technology University (UTM) Malaysia